We are a group focused on building Christ centered relationships. The Hub began as a place to connect those who were feeling disconnected…we didn’t know how much God would use that desire to change people’s lives! This group has been and continues to be a place of belonging, acceptance, support, and growth. We are learning about God’s plan for Biblical community and how He works through it.
We are called the “Hub” because we hope to be a place, a hub, for people from area churches to come together. We are adults known as Gen-X'ers, born between 1964 and 1980, we went from disco to metal and encyclopedias to the Internet. You’re Generation-X if this video brings back memories of growing up.
The Hub is a place to be known and appreciated for who you are!
"People's most basic need in life is relationship. People connected to other people thrive and grow, and those not connected wither and die." - Cloud and Townsend.

2nd Sundays - Once a month (the second Sunday), we meet as a group to dig a little deeper with the discussion of relevant spiritual topics and how they relate to us.
Want to know more of who we are and what we’re about? Read what some others have said:
Hub saved my life. I came to the group at a very dark pain-filled place of life and I was greeted warmly and taken in with open arms. I found a group of people who willingly staked themselves to me and who genuinely cared for me through and through. I came broken, hurting, confused, and overwhelmingly conflicted going through a marriage full of abuse, blame, and ever mounting frustration and found people who did not shy away from stepping into my pain, who spoke words of life and truth back into me, who prayed for me, who cried with me and helped me see a better way to live. This group sees the value and draws out the specialness of each person, you are guaranteed to feel welcomed and cared for here. I along with everyone look forward to meeting you!