Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Friday & Easter

When we were planning the Hub activity for Good Friday it seemed fitting that we use the time to serve the Lord. We looked at a variety of options and settled on helping to meet the needs of the Easter weekend services. There are so many people who only come to church on holidays and we can help by being a part of making their experience a positive one. Ideally, you would serve during one service and attend another. If this is not possible, please remember that you can have an impact by simply being a friendly person in the lobby and where you are sitting...don't underestimate the power of a warm smile and a genuine "hello"!!

Please pray about what area to serve in and ask that God bring people to you during that time.

Serving: Calvary is offering 2 services (5:00 and 7:00) and lots of help is needed in the following areas:
* Parking Attendants
* Greeters/Ushers
* Provide food for Creative Arts volunteers
* Cleaning the communion stations after service
Dinner: We will plan to go eat as a group after the 7:00 service.

Serving: If you would like to serve during any of the Easter services (Sat. 5:30, Sun. 9:00 & 11:00) there is need in all of the above areas (except communion stations).

Brunch: We are planning on having a brunch at the Redbluff house for anyone who is looking for a "family"! We will work out a pot luck style brunch and all are welcome to hang through the afternoon/evening (fun stuff is in the works). If you already have brunch plans, but would like to join us later in the day, please do so!

Please comment here or send an e-mail to if you would like to serve or participate in the brunch!

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